What Spanish language exam should I take?

Why should I take a Spanish language examination?

Taking a Spanish language examination can provide you with viable proof of your profiency in the language, allowing you to then list this as an asset on your CV or any applications. Many opportunities, including studying in Spain, require a minimum proficiency for entrance. Furthermore, even if you are studying Spanish recreationally, studying for and passing a proficiency exam can provide you with motivation to achieve a clear goal, and is a good way of measuring your progress. There are a few different types of certifications to consider, and it is important to choose the right one for you.

What are the different certifications I should consider?

The three main certifications to consider are: the DELE, the SIELE and the CELU.

DELE stands for Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera. The DELE certifications come in different levels, ranging from A1 to C2. An applicant selects a specific level of exam that they wish to achieve. This diploma is internationally recognised. If you need a Spanish language certificate so as to gain entrance into a Spanish university, the DELE B2 is the standard requirement.

The SIELE stands for Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española. The SIELE was developed in South America but is administered by the Instituto Cervantes, and thus weighs all varieties of Spanish across different Spanish-speaking countries. It is considered panhispanic, and is recognised by both Spanish and Latin American institutions.

The CELU stands for El Certificado de Español: Lengua y Uso. This is an Argentina-based Spanish language test, slightly less popular than the DELE but still valuable. This test is also accepting of all Spanish varieties.

So, how are they different?

Both the SIELE and DELE are graded between levels A1 and C1. The DELE, however, also certifies at a C2 level which is considered fluent, whereas A1 is a beginner level. The CELU only tests levels B2 and C1, where B2 is known as the CELU Intermediate, and C1 is CELU Advanced. Therefore, if you are looking for a lower level qualification, it is impossible to do so with the CELU test, and the DELE or SIELE would be a better fit.

All 3 certifications judge a candidate upon four parts: reading, writing, listening and speaking. For the SIELE, however, a candidate can choose to do the ´SIELE Global´ exam, which assesses all four parts, or they can choose to be examined in one or two of these components, and not all four.

The DELE exam functions on a pass-fail system: for any level that you choose to do, you need to achieve the pass mark to receive your certificate for that level. The CELU and SIELE, on the other hand, assess the score, and it is based on the score you achieve that your level is assessed, as opposed to being pass-fail. The SIELE exam puts your score, between 0 and 1000, on your certificate.

One important thing to consider when choosing between these certifications is their expiration date. Both the DELE and the CELU do not expire, however the SIELE certification is only valid for up to 5 years, at which point you would have to retake it.

How expensive are these exams? For the DELE, the prices vary based on level and testing centre, but a certification will roughly cost between 100 and 200 euros. DELE certifications are more expensive at higher levels. The SIELE costs 165 euros, whilst the CELU costs 80 euros.

Speed of results: for the DELE exam, you can expect to get your results within 2 months, whilst the SIELE exams take a maximum of 3 weeks, and the results are posted online. Receiving your physical certificate will take a bit longer. The CELU provides results in 45 weeks, and a certificate in 120 days.

Where can I take the exams? You can take the DELE in an Hispanic country, or at an Instituto de Cervantes centre elsewhere in the world, of which there are currently over 1000. The SIELE also has a number of testing centres all around, with more still being added, however they are currently not as abundant as DELE centres. The CELU, moreover, is only available in Argentina, Brazil and 13 other locations outside of South America.

How are these exams different in format? The DELE has 4 parts, speaking, writing, reading and listening, each worth 25 marks. For levels A1 to B2, a candidate has to get at least 30 marks from the reading and writing together, and at least 30 from the speaking and listening together, out of an available 50 for each. In this way, one could compensate for a section in which they struggled by achieving a good mark in another. 

The SIELE also assesses all 4 of these areas, however, as mentioned above, a candidate can choose in advance whether they wish to get a qualification for all 4 (the SIELE Global), or only one or some of them. The SIELE is innovative in that it is assessed electronically, whilst the DELE and CELU are written tests. For the Global qualification, there are a total of 1000 marks available, whilst each of the 4 individual sections are worth 250 marks.

The CELU, meanwhile, is comprised of a 3-hour reading, listening and writing exam, as well as a 15/20-minute reading, listening and speaking exam. In the 3-hour section, the candidate is listening to various radio recordings and also has to produce an essay. The 15-minute section is a form of interview with two native speakers, where the candidate reads texts and discusses them. A candidate either fails, or achieves a pass at the Intermediate or Advanced level.

How do I go about preparing for a Spanish language examination?

Eureka offers a variety of language courses to prepare for language exams. If you choose to pursue a DELE certification, Eureka offers specific DELE preparation classes. These classes will both improve your Spanish and train you in the DELE exam format.

You can also prepare for the SIELE exam with Eureka, as well as taking your exam at the school, as Eureka is a SIELE exam centre. The SIELE board offer an online preparation class, costing 50 €, however this class is complimentary if you register and pay for the SIELE exam through Eureka.

As with all language learning, preparation for these examinations would be most effectively achieved through in-person language classes, however there are also a variety of online resources catered specifically towards these tests which are very useful. It is important to draw a distinction in your preparation between learning and improving your Spanish, versus direct preparation for these examinations. Many online resources can help train you in the specific exam formats. If you wish to improve your Spanish from home, you can read our recent blog ´Aprende español desde tu propia casa´.


Beyond all of this, there is one more exam type to discuss: the CCSE. The CCSE is la prueba de conocimientos constitucionales y socioculturales de España. This exam is not an evaluation of Spanish language proficiency, but more of a cultural examination. The CCSE, along with DELE A2 Spanish language, is what one would need to apply for Spanish citizenship. Furthermore, you can pursue CCSE classes with Eureka. One of the best ways to prepare for a citizenship test is the 30 hour intensive course, which rapidly teaches both Spanish language and culture.

To conclude...

At the end of the day, all 3 certifications are highly valid and valuable. If you are pursuing a Spanish certification for a specific purpose, such as education or work, it is worth communicating with them directly to find out which certification they prefer or require. For university purposes, the CELU would be appropriate for admission to an Argentinian university, whilst B2 DELE is the norm in Spain. The SIELE, meanwhile, is recognised by most Spanish and Latin American universities. If, however, you are not pursuing a qualification for a specific purpose such as these, the considerations listed above are important to establish the most appropriate and beneficial qualification for you.

By Lulu Rehman, May 2021


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