La Fuente de Cibeles

La Fuente de Cibeles is a famous fountain and statue located in the centre of Madrid. Its location divides the districts Centro, Retiro and Salamanca. It is surrounded by many notable buildings, including Banco de España, Buenavista Palace and Linares Palace. The fountain sits at the intersection of three major roads in Madrid, the Paseo del Prado, the Paseo de Recoletos and Calle Alcalá.

The statue was formerly located at the start of Paseo de Recoletos, but was moved to the Plaza de Cibeles in 1895, where it still stands today. It was built at the end of the 18th century under the orders of King Carlos III. He ordered a number of reforms and improvements to the ctiy at this time, including the introduction of pavements and gas street lightng, as well as artistic additions such as this fountain.

It is an icon of the city, designed by the architect Ventura Rodrígues in 1777 and sculpted by Francisco Gutiérrez Arribas. It depicts Cibeles, the Greek goddess of nature and fertility, sat atop a chariot surrounded by lions. Prior to 1862, she was also surrounded by a dragon and a bear. In her hands she holds a scepter and the keys to the city. It stands at 8 metres tall and 32 metres in diameter.

The statue has been unofficially adopted as a meeting point for fans, and sometimes even players, of Real Madrid FC, a venue for the celebration of victories. The Real Madrid team captain has even been known to place their flag and scarf on the statue.

By Lulu Rehman, June 2021 


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